Water Supply Development 6 Deep Wells at Eshidiya Mine, EPC Contract
Project Information
Sector: Infrastructure
Location: Shedeyeh – Jordan
Designer: Consolidated Consultants
Client: Jordan Phosphate Mines Company
Completed: 2014
The project is Engineering, Procurement and Construction for infrastructure works for water supply of 6 No’s deep wells at Eshidiya Mine complex.
The package covers Civil, Mechanical and Electric Works.
The main elements of project are:
- Construction of 6 No’s borehole headworks.
- Transmission pipe to connect to each borehole headworks.
- Access roads.
- Electrical works for power to cooling and relift stations.
- Electrical works for power to headworks ring main.
- SCADA and ICA work including buried cabling to each borehole headworks
- Cooling tower to comprise contractor’s design cooling towers and civil sump.
- Relift pumping stations and ancillary buildings.
- Water Storage Reservoir (2 cell)
- Outlet pipework and connection to existing pumping station.
- Other miscellaneous work including fencing, landscaping and other