Aqaba Ferry Berth Relocation - Civil & Marine Works

Project Information


Sector:                  Marine Works

Location:               Aqaba – Jordan

Designer:              Haskoning B.V. Consulting Engineers and Architects

Client:                     Aqaba Ports Corporation

Completed:           2011

The design of the new Ferry Berth comprised the provision of a new floating Pontoon and a link span (Done by others) secured to a bank seat on new reclaimed area of shore.

MID Contracting scope:

All  civil and marine works to enable the Pontoon and Linkspan to be installed and made operational and including the following:

  • Installation of 46No.’s offshore raking tubular piles to 8No.’s berthing dolphins,
  • 2No.’s restraint dolphins and 1No. Bankseat,
  • Installation of below water anchor tubular piles to Buoys, sheet piles and associated anchor wall and tie rods.
  • 18,000m3 earthworks including 3,000m3 below water level.
  • 13,000m2 pavements,
  • surface water drainage system and gullies and interceptor.
  • 750m3 reinforced concrete construction to dolphins/bank-seat on and offshore, including concrete plug for the tubular piles
  • Installation of 3 No.’s mooring buoys (Floating anchor) and anchorage system. 
  • Bollards, fenders, ladders, railings,  ancillary works, Aluminum Catwalks between berthing dolphins, Lighting to dolphins and catwalks, Bathymetric survey and geotechnical bore holes for the sea bed
  • The project included also onshore concrete walls, access gates,  weighbridge and concrete pavement slabs with a total area 2000m2 on top of the reclaimed area 

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